A plot of land on Hughes Street, at first glance, hardly seems like an ideal place to plant a successful garden. The location sits across from a Wal-Mart and only a short distance from the e... Read more
Retirement and the golden years can be a time filled with renewal and relief. The house might be paid for, you have time for projects that have been put off for years, and the kids are grown... Read more
Winding through Guatemala is an abandoned railroad corridor. In some places the tracks are barely visible, covered with years of trodden earth. Crowding the tracks, for nearly 300 miles into... Read more
The future of police work is about to change dramatically…and it’s starting in Apex, North Carolina at Blue Lights College. Today, new officers with Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) cer... Read more
In 2015, the town of Apex purchased 92 acres of land near the intersection of I-540 and Old US Highway 1 with the intention of using the space as a future park. Pleasant Park is being design... Read more
What is it that sends our Apex police officers jumping into frozen waters, climbing high atop the roofs of buildings, roaring down our highways on motorcycles, or sprinting through our town?... Read more
As parents, we don’t want to think about it. Our teenage driver in a car accident. But we’re forced to face the possibility as soon as our teen gets a license and then gets behind the wheel.... Read more
You can’t control the market, but there are certain aspects of investing that can be controlled and managed to improve your financial success. Asset Allocation How you divide up your investm... Read more
It’s that time of year again when spring flowers start poking up through the still-cold ground, first buds on trees start blooming, and allergy sufferers start stocking up on antihistamines... Read more
Back in the day, when people imagined an encounter with the Apex Police Department, the thought might have been accompanied by visions of sirens and flashing lights and a traffic ticket, or... Read more