One of the rewards for working over several decades is the ability to contribute to tax-advantaged retirement accounts, which can help provide needed income for you when you do retire. As th... Read more
As you know, inflation was big news throughout 2022. But will it continue in 2023? And looking even further ahead, how should you account for inflation in your long-term plans? In regard to... Read more
When it comes to investing, there are many different strategies to use. One popular strategy is investing for dividend income. This strategy is especially popular with retirees because it pr... Read more
I work with people of all ages, income levels, retirement timelines, and goals. There is one commonality though, and that is everyone wants to save enough so they will not run out of money d... Read more
Inflation has been very low and stable for the last 50 years, but the recent rise in consumer prices has many predicting that we are entering a period of inflation. The last time we experien... Read more
If you have spent any time reading about the principles of investing, you have undoubtedly come across the concept of diversification. We are all familiar with the adage of “not putting all... Read more
Income taxes are one of the biggest expenses we incur. We try to minimize the amount owed by looking for ways to reduce our taxable income. During our working years it is important to strike... Read more
Interest rates have been at historical low levels and even with the recent increases, the 10-year treasury yield is still only at around 1.65% as of this writing. With rates at this level an... Read more
As investors, we all know we are accepting some level of risk when we put money into the stock market. Some of us struggle with the market ups and downs and wonder if there is any way to red... Read more
Most people need to save and invest a portion of their earnings over a long period of time if they want to retire someday. The goal is for this money to grow and provide you with future inco... Read more