There are certain instances when saying thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. November 11th is a day that has been set aside to show thanks to those who have served in the military. Vete... Read more
On May 22, 2017, the world was once again brought to its knees after an attack on the most innocent of victims. The bombing in Manchester, England took the lives of twenty-two innocent and d... Read more
There’s a reason why international organizations that fight hunger feature young children in their advertising campaigns. The sight of hungry little ones tugs at our sentiments and makes us... Read more
Homeowners know the frustration and costs associated with maintaining a house and its drips and drafts and clogged gutters and wood rot. Sometimes it’s difficult to manage a fresh coat of pa... Read more
As summer rolls around, food pantries will traditionally begin their campaign to collect as many donations as possible, and our local Western Wake Crisis Ministry is no exception. Food col... Read more
A plot of land on Hughes Street, at first glance, hardly seems like an ideal place to plant a successful garden. The location sits across from a Wal-Mart and only a short distance from the e... Read more
Winding through Guatemala is an abandoned railroad corridor. In some places the tracks are barely visible, covered with years of trodden earth. Crowding the tracks, for nearly 300 miles into... Read more
What is it that sends our Apex police officers jumping into frozen waters, climbing high atop the roofs of buildings, roaring down our highways on motorcycles, or sprinting through our town?... Read more
Back in the day, when people imagined an encounter with the Apex Police Department, the thought might have been accompanied by visions of sirens and flashing lights and a traffic ticket, or... Read more
We see it all the time on the news. Neighborhoods destroyed by tornados in a matter of minutes. Towns drowned by hurricanes or floods. Buildings reduced to heaps of concrete and steel by ear... Read more