“All in Apex” is a monthly email digest of news, events, and other updates from The Peak of Good Living! Each issue offers information about current projects, town programs and initiatives, a calendar of events, ways to get involved, and more.
Designed from Community Feedback
The Town of Apex first launched the eNewsletter in April 2022 after seeking community feedback through an online survey.
The survey asked two questions:
Which issue are you most interested in learning more about each month? (Various topics were listed.)
In your opinion, what can Apex do to make the new eNewsletter a success? (This was an open-ended question.)
Survey responses from residents revealed that most were interested in hearing about special events, current projects, and updates on initiatives/programs. As for the format of the information provided, residents requested that the eNewsletter offer brief overviews with links to more information.
Based on this feedback, the “All in Apex” eNewsletter covers a variety topics each month, sorting content into five categories.
The “Mark Your Calendar” section provides a list of dates for upcoming special events, council meetings, and other programs of interest, and points subscribers to the Town’s website calendar for a comprehensive list of happenings.
Throughout the year, there are many town-organized and community-organized events hosted in Apex. This section of the newsletter provides key details for highlighted events, helping readers to know before they go!
Never miss an update about the holiday trash schedule again! The “Service Spotlight” section shares updates on Town services like trash and recycling, provides reminders on annual efforts like the water disinfection method switch each March, and highlights new programs and initiatives.
Coming up in future issues – details on a few initiatives that have been in the works for several months: an enhanced utility billing portal, our first ever call center, and more!
There’s always a way to engage in Apex. Learn how you can get involved with the “Engagement Hub” section. This section provides a list of current public engagement opportunities, like surveys or feedback events, for projects like parks, transportation, budget, and more!
This section also showcases ways to give back in our community with highlights on volunteering opportunities and advisory committee openings.
The “Current Projects” section offers updates about various types of construction and improvement projects. Upcoming issues will feature details about:
Transportation – Apex Peakway Southwest Connector, Safe Routes to School sidewalk construction
Parks – Apex Community Park Street Hockey Rink, West Street Park Renovation, Bike Track at Hunter Street Park
Downtown – Saunders Street Parking Lot reconstruction timeline
In the last section of each All in Apex eNewsletter, you can find great videos with tips from our police and fire departments, learn about hidden gems in town, and read about happenings “Around Town.”
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