February 28, 2023 marked the 150th anniversary of incorporation for the Town of Apex. With such a momentous occasion, the Town of Apex has created a yearlong celebration that runs through February 2024. The celebration year hopes to be one that challenges community members to go “all in” with Apex, and promotes unification and common understanding throughout our town. Apex is a mix of new residents, lifelong residents, and everything in between. The 150th celebration year is an opportunity for everyone to learn about Apex’s past, present, and potential.
Learn more by scanning the QR code or visiting www.apex150.com
Exploring our Past
On February 28, 1873, the North Carolina General Assembly passed an Act to Incorporate the Town of Apex, which at that time got its name from being the highest point along a 30-mile stretch of the old Chatham Railroad line. At the start of incorporation, the town was about one square mile and the population was around 230 residents. Since then, the town has been shaped by people from all backgrounds and beliefs, and today stretches across over 25 square miles, with a population of over 70,000 residents. Learn more about Apex’s rich history at www.apex150.com/past.
Experiencing our Present
In 2023, Apex is a thriving town known for its small-town character, friendly people, and excellent quality of life. The 150th celebration year encourages community members to lean into what makes Apex special. The Town of Apex has created a list of over 150 “Ways to Celebrate” with activities and events that highlight Apex’s past, present, and potential. Within the 150+ activities, there are beloved annual community events, unique ways to learn about Apex history through community tours and historic exhibits, and ways to serve one another and the Apex community. The “Ways to Celebrate” showcase the unique character of Apex, our history, and how the community has grown over the past 150 years. Learn more about Apex today at www.apex150.com/present.
Engaging our Potential
You don’t get to be America’s best place to live by chance or accident. It takes great commitment and vision to create an environment that is loved by those who call Apex home. Though the town continues to receive accolades, that doesn’t stop the Town of Apex from striving to provide the best services, amenities, and environment for all of our residents, businesses, and visitors. Apex is always looking forward and is dedicated to growing alongside the community, with opportunities for public feedback every step of the way. The future of Apex was intentionally planned through public feedback and research, and offers a glimpse of what is to come. Learn more about what is ahead at www.apex150.com/potential.
What Makes Apex Home
The ‘What Makes Apex Home’ video series serves as a video archive to capture stories from Apex community members of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences. Participants were asked to reflect on a favorite and/or important memory of Apex, share what makes Apex home to them, and forecast their hopes for Apex’s future. These questions take the vision of the year – past, present, and potential – and turn it into recorded memories and dreams. More videos will be added throughout the celebration year at www.apex150.com/video.